Interview with Lorraine Homewood

Interview Transcript:

Sebastien Sheldon: I’m here with Lorraine Homewood, who is a former worker of the GE Peterborough plant, and a family member of several other former workers at the same plant. So, Lorraine, tell me a bit about your connection with John and how you knew him.

Lorraine Homewood: I knew John through working at GE, and he was always involved in safety issues. Also knew him through my husband, he would bring stories home with John Ball, and my father in-law.

Sebastien: And in the time that you knew John, and form the stories you heard, what was the quality in him that impressed you the most?

Lorraine: Persistence. Even though he may not have been able to achieve the result that he was looking for, he was persistent in trying to keep the momentum towards that goal even though he didn’t succeed. So he reminds of some analogies would be “Dog with a bone”, he would continue to chew at it and keep trying.

Sebastien: And you mention that John didn’t or wouldn’t have felt like he succeeded entirely, but what impact do you believe that his work had on achieving justice for injured and deceased workers of the Peterborough GE plant, and what lasting impact do you think that might have?

Lorraine: I think it was his knowledge. By him staying in it for the time that he did, and he stayed in it for a long time, he gathered knowledge. He stored that knowledge, he didn’t just keep it to himself, he shared it where he could, and in the end when it came down to getting justice for sick people, he had a lot to offer, and he did so willingly.

Sebastien: That’s wonderful. Thank you so much for your time Lorraine, I’m very glad that we got the chance to do this.

End of Interview