Kind Words from Leslie Piekarz


Leslie Piekarz retired from Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) in 2019. Unfortunately, Leslie was unavailable for an interview, however she did send along some kind words to support John Ball and the John Ball Legacy Project. Her comments in no way represent OHCOW.

Leslie’s Statement:

Others worked much more closely with John Ball than I ever did, however I attended a number of meetings where we were both present, which has helped me to draw a brief picture of the man I knew and respected.

John Ball was a highly intelligent, courageous man. He  was a man of integrity.  His knowledge of work processes and exposures was incredibly helpful to the work that we were all involved in which was ultimately to help injured and diseased workers and their families.   More so, however, John’s willingness to share his invaluable knowledge was most appreciated. It is so important to not lose the history of the GE workplace and exposures as documented through the eyes of such a knowledgeable worker.

Leslie Piekarz, 2021